Rabbit anti-PAX8 Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody [BLR346N]

Product Details
Immunogen was a peptide representing a region between residue 225 and 275 of human Paired box protein Pax-8 using the numbering given in entry NP_003457.1 (Gene ID 7849).
Additional Product Information
PAX8 is a member of the paired box (PAX) family of transcription factors. PAX8 is involved in thyroid follicular cell development and expression of thyroid-specific genes. Mutations in this gene have been associated with thyroid dysgenesis, thyroid follicular carcinomas and atypical follicular thyroid adenomas. [taken from NCBI Entrez Gene (Gene ID: 7849)].
Alternate Names
paired box protein Pax-8;paired domain gene 8
All western blot analysis is performed using 5% Milk-TBST for blocking and as antibody diluent. Primary antibody is incubated overnight.
Western blots of cell lysates are performed using Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Heavy and Light Chain Antibody (A120-101P).
Western blots of immunoprecipitates are performed using Goat anti-Rabbit Light Chain HRP Conjugate (A120-113P) with 5% Normal Pig Serum (S100-020) added to the blocking buffer.